[TYPO3-core] Use CURL for more protocols (bug #1364)

Martin Kutschker Martin.Kutschker at n0spam-blackbox.net
Mon Feb 12 15:44:09 CET 2007


RC or not, can we get CURL support for ftp and ftps into TYPO3?

BTW, neither the include headers nor nor request headers option of 
t3lib_div::getURL check the protocol correctly. Both options may only be 
used with http(s). Any objections to adding this check?



How about a check in the installer and/or EM to test for the availability 
of getURL and http. This sample code checks and returns some advice (meant 
for EM when getting the extension list failed).

if ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['curlUse'] == '1' &&
    !extension_loaded('curl'))	{
	$curlExt = TYPO3_OS=='win' ? '.dll' : 'so';
	return 'TYPO3 is configured to use CURL, but PHP extension is not loaded 
(in php.ini set "extension = \'curl.' . $curlExt . '\')';
} elseif (!ini_get ('allow_url_fopen'))	{
	return 'PHP may not open URLs (in php.ini set "allow_url_fopen = On")';
} else {
	if (extension_loaded('curl'))	{
		return 'TYPO3 is not configured to use CURL (see TYPO3 installer).';
	} else {
		return 'PHP may not open URLs (in php.ini set "allow_url_fopen = On")';

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