[TYPO3-core] "contrib" vs system extensions
Oliver Hader
oh at inpublica.de
Mon Feb 12 14:07:19 CET 2007
Hi Ernesto,
Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] wrote:
> Now in ECT the argument came why aren't json, prototype and
> scriptaculous system extensions? There is an extension called
> "scriptaculous" in TER (from Joerg Schoppet, a member from ECT that
> brought up that argument). Maybe we could upgrade this to a sysext and
> remove it from contrib?
I just had a look to the extension "scriptaculous". The current version
in TER (1.6.5) still uses prototype.js 1.5.0_rc1 and script.aculo.us
1.6.5. And the reason why we moved this to a contrib directory was to
have a maintainer for updating the foreign releases. The latest releases
of these packages are 1.5.0-final for prototype and 1.7.0 for
Furthermore the extension of Jörg Schoppet currently address front-end
only. And I just saw some "self::" calls which won't work in PHP4. So,
this extension has to be adjusted for back-end and PHP4 purpose as well.
> We created "contrib" for the purpose of being able to maintain those 3rd
> party source codes independently from our TYPO3 source, and I cannot
> think why those could not be moved to system extensions, for the sake of
> consistency.
I'm fine with that. But there are some things that require at least
prototype.js. Those among are:
- Kasper's new backend (which is currently not active by default)
- AJAX pagetree and filetree
- Inline Relational Record Editing
> Mark the dependencies so that we see why they are needed. For example
> scriptaculous needed by alt_main_new (couldn't this be an extension
> too??). json.php I cannot find any reference to that file in the
> typo3-source. Is this obsolete already? And prototype needed by
> alt_db_navframe.php, alt_file_navframe.php and alt_main_new.php.
See the list mentioned above. JSON is currently required for IRRE only,
but I'm fine with declaring this one to be a sysext. script.aculo.us is
also required by IRRE.
Oliver Hader
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