[TYPO3-core] RFC: Feature Request: TCEforms/IRRE - Allow TSconfig to override TCA field configuration

Oliver Hader oh at inpublica.de
Fri Feb 2 10:47:53 CET 2007

Hi Masi,

Martin Kutschker wrote:
> Oliver Hader schrieb:
>> This is a SVN patch request.
>> Problem:
>> Currently most options regarding behaviour and appearance of an
>> extension depend on how the initial extension developer has defined this
>> in tca.php. If the size of a selector box should not be "5" but "10",
>> the only way is to change/hack the extension code.
>> Solution:
>> Integrate a possibility to set TSconfig in a general form like
>> TCEFORM.<table>.<field>.config that overrides the extension settings at
>> $TCA[<table>]['columns'][<field>]['config'].
>> Page TSconfig example:
>> TCEFORM.tx_irretutorial_mnasym_hotel {
>>   offers.config {
>>     foreign_selector = offerid
>>     appearance {
>>       useCombination = 1
>>       useSortable = 1
>>     }
>>   }
>> }
>> This could be used to influence appearance and behaviour of an extension
>> for e.g. specific pages. Of course not every TCA configuration key can
>> be changed. Changing "type" from "select" to "input" with TSconfig would
>> be a bad idea and is not allowed.
> What is considered to be bad? Does it in this context make more sense to 
> make a kind of whitelist (TCA settings allowed to be overriden) rather 
> than a blacklist (forbiddden changes).
> I favour the whitelist as IMHO it is more in the line of the current TS 
> settings (rename labels, hide fields or values etc)
You're right. I didn't explain this correctly. It is a whitlist, that
allows modifications to TCA field config. Search in the patch file for
"$allowOverrideMatrix" this defines the TCA type and which keys on the
first level are allowed to be changed.
>> Comments:
>> Currently this issue would be used for Inline Relational Record Editing,
>> but I integrated the changes into TCEforms, because other TCA types
>> could also benefit from it.
> Why is this only IRRE related? Seems odd to me that the users of IRRE 
> based extensions must write their own pseudo-TCA.
In other words, we need this feature for IRRE because the visual
representation (labels, drag'n'drop sorting, selectors, etc.) could
change from page to page or from websize to website and depends on the
demands. The technical relations between tables/entities stay the same,
only the view changes.
Developers of IRRE extensions of course use TCA as defined in the Core
Doc APIs, but Users/Admins of websites using IRRE extensions from other
developers are free to change the view-style to their demand - so, can
reuse technical stuff (tables) and vary visual representation in
TCEforms without changing any PHP code in tca.php.


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