[TYPO3-core] RFC: #7059: Improve database performance for external database host

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Mon Dec 31 18:15:16 CET 2007

Steffen Kamper wrote: on 31.12.2007 17:35:

>> Steffen Kamper wrote:
>>> proposal for easy integration:
>>> Instead of using dbCompress simply a var dbClientFlags. Setting this by 
>>> default to 0, it could be added to the connection string without if/else.
>>> So it is easy to set the flag by calculating manually. For dbCompression 
>>> it would be value 32.
>> No, I do not think we should allow such low level things. This is 
>> programmer's view to user interface. We should provide features, not 
>> DIY/flags variables.

> I see this point, but on the other hand it opens for detailed configuration. 
> These Setup-Vars are "Advanced Settings" like some others too.
> To help the user with configuration it's part of the interface and 
> documentation. I don't know how this will be dealed by the new installer, 
> but e.g. giving "predefined" settings with select box will help, advanced 
> setting is still possible.
> In this case there is no damage possible as MySQL ignores most of the flags 
> atm.

I agree with Dmitry here. We should not let users (admins) configure
stuff which even we don't know the exact benefits. Its not just a matter
of interface, but a matter of complexity.

So if any other setting in future proves of benefit in a TYPO3
installation, we just add a new possibility and explain where it should
and can be used. This is what Dmitry's new setting does, it is "well
documented" that there is a performance benefit in certain situations,
so also a +1 from me.

But the documentation in config_default should also mention that the
performance gain will just be felt if huge result-sets needs to be
carried over the mysql link, which is "usually" not the case on a
regular web site.


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