[TYPO3-core] RFC: Bug #6651: IRRE - Button for creating new records disappeared on nested child records if a parent record reached the maxitems value

Oliver Hader oh at inpublica.de
Wed Dec 26 17:15:35 CET 2007

Committed to SVN:
* TYPO3_4-1 (rev. 2857)
* Trunk (rev. 2858)


Oliver Hader schrieb:
> This is a SVN patch request.
> Problem:
> On using nested inline records with the 'maxitems' property set, it
> happens, that the "create new record" button disappears also for nested
> children. These buttons are selected only by classname and thus also
> those buttons of the children were hidden. Furthermore IE7 has some
> issues on using the getElementsByClassName method.
> Solution:
> Add a md5-hash of the specific parent to each "create new record" button
> and select the objects by classname and this hash. Furthermore the
> "object.getElementsByClassName(classname)" calls were modified to
> "Element.getElementsByClassName(object, classname)".
> Comments:
> Since this issue is related to IRRE only, I'm going to commit in one
> week if nobody objects.
> Bugtracker references:
> http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=6651
> Branches: TYPO3_4-1 & Trunk
Oliver Hader

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