[TYPO3-core] RFC: Bug #6651: IRRE - Button for creating new records disappeared on nested child records if a parent record reached the maxitems value

Oliver Hader oh at inpublica.de
Wed Dec 19 12:47:42 CET 2007

This is a SVN patch request.

On using nested inline records with the 'maxitems' property set, it
happens, that the "create new record" button disappears also for nested
children. These buttons are selected only by classname and thus also
those buttons of the children were hidden. Furthermore IE7 has some
issues on using the getElementsByClassName method.

Add a md5-hash of the specific parent to each "create new record" button
and select the objects by classname and this hash. Furthermore the
"object.getElementsByClassName(classname)" calls were modified to
"Element.getElementsByClassName(object, classname)".

Since this issue is related to IRRE only, I'm going to commit in one
week if nobody objects.

Bugtracker references:

Branches: TYPO3_4-1 & Trunk

Oliver Hader
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