[TYPO3-core] RFC: Bug #6953: Mapping of fieldnames in SQL-functions like MIN(), MAX() or SUM() does not work

Christian Trabold christian.trabold at dkd.de
Fri Dec 14 15:02:46 CET 2007

This is an SVN patch request.

Type: Bugfix

Bugtracker references:


If you use SQL-Functions like MIN(), MAX() or SUM() in SQL-Queries the 
fieldmapping does not work. Example:

SELECT tstamp, script, SUM(exec_time) as calc_sum, count(*) AS qrycount, 
MAX(errorFlag) as error FROM tx_dbal_debuglog

will produce

SELECT tstamp, script, SUM(exec_time) as calc_sum, count(*) AS qrycount, 
MAX(errorFlag) as error FROM tx_dbal_debuglog

even if the mapping for the field "errorFlag" would be "errorflag" (with 
a small f).

This gets problematic if your database supports only lowercase 
fieldnames and the fieldname has upper-case letters (eg. 
tx_dbal_debuglog:errorFlag), because the field can not be found, which 
results in an error message.

With the attached patch the DBAL knows how to handle fieldnames inside 
SQL-Functions and maps it correctly to the desired value.

The patch adds a new condition in class.ux_t3lib_db.php->map_sqlParts() 
which checks for content in "func_content". If a mapping instruction for 
"func_content" can be found, the mapping will be processed.



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