[TYPO3-core] RFC: Using severity in ChangeLog

Oliver Hader oh at inpublica.de
Tue Aug 21 18:10:11 CEST 2007

Hi folks,

Wolfgang introduced the inclusion of the severity in the ChangeLog file
in one of his last commits. I think it could be handy if reading (or
parsing) the ChangeLog and rate each change.

An example of what I'm talking about looks like this:

2007-08-19  Oliver Hader  <oh at inpublica.de>
  * (trivial) Fixed bug #6170: CSC - File locallang.php used [...]
2007-08-15  Wolfgang Klinger  <wk at plan2.net>
  * (trivial) Added is_array checks in extension manager code

So, what do you think about using these tags, like (trivial), (minor),
(major), etc. in the ChangeLog in general?

Oliver Hader

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