[TYPO3-core] Updates from T3DD07

Michael Stucki michael at typo3.org
Fri Apr 27 19:47:32 CEST 2007

Hi guys & girls who (had to?) stay at home these days...

I just wanted to brief you quickly about recent changes and announcements that 
have been made and you have missed:

- First of all, Kasper has announced that he will step back as the leader of
  the TYPO3 project. This is very big news compiled into a single sentence.
  You can find more information including a video of Kasper right here:

- On Wednesday we had a Core Team meeting with lots of interesting
  discussions, but without Dmitry, Karsten and Kasper - thanks SAS airline :-(

- A protocol of this meeting will follow soon, I just need some more time to
  compile all notes...

- One of the decisions we've made: The job of the release manager is no longer
  bound to a specific person but will rotate within our team for every
  new version (branch!). I expect that this change will bring a lot of new
  ideas and swing into the development of the next version...

- Consequently, we now have two new release managers! Ingo Renner and Rupert
  Germann have volunteered to take over responsibility for the upcoming
  version 4.2. Stay tuned for more news from them...

Greetings from Dietikon!
- michael

PS: You will become bloggers! :-)
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