[TYPO3-core] RFC: Bug #1839: Broken Rootline when a Editor view a Page that is not online

Dmitry Dulepov 9f4eetb02 at sneakemail.com
Wed Apr 18 16:51:57 CEST 2007

Martin Kutschker wrote:
> Ingo Renner schrieb:
>> As it's a bug, why not? It's not a feature...
> Michael Stucki wanted us only to commit security bugs into 4.0. My point 
> was to fix also compatibility issues (eg problems with new browser 
> versions) and "dead-end" UI experiences for users or more serious issues 
> (eg data loss). I think Michael's point was that it's too hard to draw a 
> line in the light of our limited resources.

I can understand Michael's point. Some files were changed a lot between 
4.0 and trunk, so fixing three versions instead of two may be difficult. 
To avoid situation when half of all fixes are in 4.0 and the other half 
is not, he made that decision. This sounds very logical, though a bit hard.

> But as WSes are, hm, a bit hard too handle anyway, I'd love to see these 
> issues resolved for users that cannot upgrade to 4.1 easily. Of course 
> I'm willing to do the patching myself if the patch submitter doesn't 
> want to. I even volunteer to patch if necessary 4.0 for all of the above 
> mentioned error classes.

Since I am actively working with workspaces these days, I have no 
problem to commit it to 4.0. We can modify "policy" this way: "security 
& workspace fixes go to 4.0".

Dmitry Dulepov

Web: http://typo3bloke.net/
Skype: callto:liels_bugs

"It is our choices, that show what we truly are,
far more than our abilities." (A.P.W.B.D.)

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