[TYPO3-core] Planning 4.1

Rupert Germann rg at rupert-germann.de
Fri Sep 15 23:19:30 CEST 2006

On Friday 15 September 2006 00:37, Ingmar Schlecht wrote:
> The main big things people seem to wish for TYPO3 4.1 (except better HCI
> in general) are:
> 	- UTF-8 by default
> 	- Complete DAM Integration

in order to integrate DAM in the core I currently see the following 

- for users that want to handle all assets with DAM we'll have to provide a 
documentated upgrade path. Would be cool if we could use the update wizard in 
the installtool for this. 

- besides the DAM BE extensions there's the dam_ttcontent extension which 
allows users to change the tt_content elements text w/ image and image to use 
dam records instead of copied files in the upload folder. For other content 
element types like files and multimedia there are also extensions in TER. 
Should we integrate these extensions, too, or do you think it's enough to 
start with images and text w/image? 

- to get completely rid of the old file module it's neccesary to add a 
solution to edit txt (css,html,tmpl,js....) files in a DAM module

- integration of with workspaces/versioning. could be handy especially for 
files which are editable on the server.

- adapt DAM and dam_ttcontent to work with the changes for bidirectional mm 
relations from ingmar and sebastian

- what else?

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