[TYPO3-core] Kickoff: TYPO3 4.1 (suggestions)

Martin Kutschker Martin.Kutschker at n0spam-blackbox.net
Tue Sep 12 17:02:40 CEST 2006

Wolfgang Klinger schrieb:
>  *hiya!*
>  On Tue, 12 Sep 2006, Martin Kutschker wrote the following:
>>>    d) Fully configurable per user using XML (so can be saved, shared etc).
>>Hm. Will it still be compatible with user TS? I guess that as an admin I 
>>want some presets for my users and I have already some TS to do that. IMHO 
>>it's not a good idea to have yet another way to configure "something" in TYPO3.
>  Agree, 
>  and if XML hopefully not this typical TYPO3 XML (so ugly)

Ah, you mean real XML with a real DTD (schema, etc)... :-)

>>Plus there are two features I really like:
>>a) you can resize the page tree frame
>  You can do that already(?)

No, the frame has a fixed with. I cannot move the frame separator.


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