[TYPO3-core] RFC: respect label_alt and label_alt_force at more places

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Fri Sep 1 11:52:55 CEST 2006

Michael Stucki schrieb am 01.09.2006 01:13:

> you already committed this change, but still I thought it may be good to
> have a closer look at it...
> Again, I am quite unsure if things like this really qualify as bugs.

True, the interpretation might be very subjective on this kind of patch.

> Anyway, here are two small notes:
> - Please use implode() instead of the join() function

Ok. Changed.

> - You have changed the implode character in t3lib_beFunc from ',' to ';'
>   I would have let this as it is and use ';' for imploding $MMfields. Seems
>   more consistent regarding the $TCA "types" configuration directive...

I don't really understand what the $TCA "types" directive has to do with

The label is something that is printed out to the user in the BE. The
TCA-types is a configuration that the developer has to do.

If I have a table with label=name, label_alt=first_name, in most places
it will be shown like this:

- Stucki, Michael
- Baschny, Ernesto

In Web>List> view if you have a record that points to multiple names
would output. In my suggestion it would render:

- Stucki, Michael; Baschny, Ernesto

In your suggestion:

- Stucki; Michael, Baschny; Ernesto

I think this is a bit disturbing, don't you think?

> Could you please change that?

Waiting for your feedback.


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