[TYPO3-core] RFC: who-is-online for BE

Martin Kutschker martin.kutschker-n0spam at no5pam-blackbox.net
Thu Oct 26 11:45:45 CEST 2006

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] schrieb:
> Martin Kutschker schrieb am 25.10.2006 17:56:
>> This is a SVN patch request.
>> Branch: trunk
>> Problem: no way to tell which users are logged in
>> Solution: add a new drop down option "list users online" to the module
>> "tools > user admin".
> That looks pretty cool. Never seen a request for that, thou. :)

I wanted the thing the first time I saw TYPO3 3.5

>> Notes: the host column lists the IPs and has the hostnames as tooltip.
>> The SU-usernames column lists the names of the admins switched to the
>> user in the same row.
> Instead of a column for "SU-usernames" (which will be empty almost all
> times), I would add the su-information in the "Usernames" column, e.g.:
>   user1
>   baschny (su from admin)

The bracket is a good idea.

> The "Timestamps" column should be renamed to something more meaningful,
> e.g. "Last seen" or whatever the timestamp tries to express.

The timestamp is just a timestamp, every minute or so any script will 
update the session timestamp, so it says what it is but it could be 
named "Last active"

> And the columns should be named in singular, as it refers to each row
> individually, and this is consistent to all other TYPO3 BE tables.

I did in sync with the user comparison table, but I never liked it ;-) 
Singular is fine with me.

> While you were removing the unneeded "globals", you could also get rid
> of it altogether (at least in this part of the code) and access globals
> using $GLOBALS. Those "globals" lists on top of each BE-module's
> function is pretty annoying and not really up-to-date with current PHP
> coding style.

I use global whenever I use them same variable more than once or twice. 
Eg spelling $GLOBALS['TSFE'] ten times is tiresome and not even easy to 
read. I do not favour a codig style that forbids "global" altogether.

Maybe in TYPO3 5.0 we can use singletons and do not use globals at all, 
but please don to not force us to use $GLOBALS['TSFE'], $GLOBALS['TCA'] 
every single time.


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