[TYPO3-core] 4.1 - How far are we?

Karsten Dambekalns karsten at typo3.org
Fri Nov 17 13:31:54 CET 2006


On 17.11.2006, at 00:18, Michael Stucki wrote:
> I think that the HCI improvements (which we have announced as the  
> main 4.x
> feature!) are a must for the 4.x series. It is the key feature of  
> the next
> version, therefore the priority must be raised however it is possible.

I think the fact that you mention the 4.x series already imples that  
HCI is not a must for 4.1. If there is enough other stuff worth a  
release, then let's do it.

If the UTF-8 for files makes it, this would already be a huge step,  
IMHO. Getting Bernhards EM changes in makes a release a must. :)

> The only problem is that the alt_main_new.php stuff seems to be the  
> only
> improvement which has been started yet, so removing it would result  
> in no HCI
> changes in 4.1 at all...

But we are on a way, only that steps don't manifest in code yet. I  
don't now how many have seen the PDF Jens Hoffmann produced, but I  
saw it and also met him in Frankfurt before the PHP conference  
(Robert and I joined a meeting of him and Kasper) - and there is hard  
and impressive work being done.

> a) We find a way to help you finishing this before end of November
> c) You write a status report which describes what needs to be  
> finished, and
>    someone else can take over the task until 4.1

The problem is, that until now it is not clear what has to be done.  
HCI is not about fixing a bug, but about evaluating different ways of  

> b) We postpone 4.1 to December/January 07
> d) We keep the timeline but remove all HCI improvements from 4.1

I'd say this is the way to go: Release 4.1 if it makes sense, but  
don't wait for HCI stuff, that's d). Then it may happen that there is  
relevant HCI code in SVN in Dec/Jan, this could be 4.2 if it makes  
sense - so much for b).

Last but not least: It would probably be good if Kasper and/or Jens  
could outline their plans, so the situation becomes clearer.

Karsten Dambekalns
Gimme Five!

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