[TYPO3-core] RFC: Fix bugs #3397 (submit as image) and #2938 (editIcons)

Martin Kutschker Martin.Kutschker at n0spam-blackbox.net
Tue May 23 09:51:50 CEST 2006

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] schrieb:
> Martin Kutschker schrieb am 22.05.2006 20:22:
>>>Other than that it is probably also a "backwards compatibility" issue if
>>>you change this. TSref [1] documents the "image" property for the FORM
>>>cObject as a "IMAGE (cObject)". This makes no real sense for a submit
>>>button, but there might be people using properties from the IMAGE
>>>cObject [2] that aren't present in a IMG_RESOURCE [3].
>>>I think only altText and titleText make sense here. You might want to
>>>handle those specifically in this code fragment.
>>I added support for "altText", "titleText" and "params". Does "if" make
>>sense? I don't think so as none of the other field types are conditional.
> True. And this never worked anyway (with the old "<img"-replacement
> function), so I wouldn't bother adding it now.


>>While checking the specs for alt/title on input elements I noticed that
>>we do not support any of this attributes (directly):
> I think this is only useful if you have some javascript that will
> enable/disable fields depending on certain conditions. So not needed in
> our rather static "FORM"s.

So you would write some onLoad-JS code that disables the elements initially 
rather than

> Our FORMs are always linear so no need for tabindexes.


> This would be a very cool addition to the FORM generation code. Together
> with support for <fieldset>s (patches are available!), this would get a
> big +1 from the accessibility guys.

BTW, shall we try to get the fieldset patches into 4.0.x or is this 
something for the next release *?

> Well yea. But this would be something we could/should add to a totally
> reformulated "FORM_v2" cObject.

I just did a copy'n'paste from the specs. I think that all of the above 
attributes could be implemented by a "params" TS property.

> This is already being handled by "titleText".

Only for type=submit, but it is allowed for all input types.


* If we postpone the fieldset patch and the access keys to the next 
release, I'd like to set up a feature list for a short term 4.1 with only 
minor improvements (like fixes for bugs that are too complicated for 4.0.x 
and stuff like access keys).

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