[TYPO3-core] content (default) and other static templates

Franz Holzinger franz at fholzinger.com
Sun May 21 21:25:21 CEST 2006

Hello Ernesto,

>- in HEAD: move all static templates that have been marked as
>"DEPRECATED" for ages now to a system extension (or even an extension in
>TER) that might be installed if one needs them for backwards
>compatibility. They just confuse most first time users when they start
>creating their new templates. Any non-deprecated static template should
>be moved to a sysext instead. And maybe we could then get rid of the
>"core static templates" concept and just stick with "static templates
>(from extensions)" instead?

as far as tt_products, tt_guest and tt_board are concerned,

please remove them at all. The extension keep all the necessary
settings. It is not recommended to use these old static templates any
more. The extensions provide everything someone needs as default values.
I do not see what this could be useful for. So please explain me what
would be the benefit to use this.



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