[TYPO3-core] RFC: Fix bug #1153 again: Adding parameters is notalways expected

Martin Kutschker Martin.Kutschker at n0spam-blackbox.net
Thu May 11 16:46:53 CEST 2006

Stanislas Rolland schrieb:
> Karsten Dambekalns a écrit :
>>> But the problem in 3.8.x (and before) was that this new URL had NO
>>> parameters at all. At least I didn't figure out how to get any of the 
>>> image
>>> options - not even the image itself. So to me altURL was compeletely
>>> useless and I resorted to XCLASSing.
>> the extension "dh_popupimg_caption" is a live example of how this is 
>> used - and it uses the given image. Maybe ot helps...
> Indeed, this extension is broken in TYPO3 4.0.

Please check out if you want my or Michael's patch to solve the issue.


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