[TYPO3-core] RFC: adminpanel and caching problems

Martin Kutschker martin.kutschker-n0spam at no5pam-blackbox.net
Mon May 8 22:19:34 CEST 2006

rupert germann schrieb:
> Hi,
> Since the adminpanel now uses GET instead of POST vars TYPO3 will disable 
> caching on pages that use a cHash in the GET vars if a reload of the page is 
> initiated by the adminpanel.
> Steps to reproduce: open a page whose content depends on plugin parameters 
> which contain a chash (e.g. a tt_news single view). Then open the Typoscript 
> section of the adminpanel and enable the "Display messages" checkbox. You'll 
> see something like this: 
> The incoming cHash "6837c0aad6" and calculated cHash "2f8e2a20bb" did not 
> match, so caching was disabled. The fieldlist used 
> was "TSFE_ADMIN_PANEL[display_cache],TSFE_ADMIN_PANEL[display_edit],.....
> this is quite bad because before changing the adminpanel from GET to POSTvars 
> this section (or the info section) was a reliable tool for finding caching 
> problems in extensions - now this doesn't work anymore because without having 
> opened the Typoscript section one can't be shure if the disabled cache was 
> caused by an extension problem or by the adminpanel itself.
> Solution:
> the only solution that comes to my mind is reverting the complete thing again 
> from GET to POST vars.
> any other ideas?

We didn't come to any conclusion, so I suggest we use a modified version 
of Rupert's patch:

- if (!t3lib_div::inList('id,type,no_cache,cHash,MP,ftu',$pKV[0]))
+ if (!t3lib_div::inList('id,type,no_cache,cHash,MP,ftu',$pKV[0]) && 

That is we omit all arguments starting with TSFE_ADMIN_PANEL.


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