[TYPO3-core] RFC: fix bug #3600 - config.formMailCharset

Martin Kutschker Martin.Kutschker at n0spam-blackbox.net
Fri Jun 30 17:02:25 CEST 2006


Bugfix for HEAD and TYPO3_4-0

Problem: The TS setting config.formMailCharset doesn't work


Part 1:
Now that the t3lib_htmlmail charset fix is in it is possible to set the 
charset of the mail. This is done by calling the parent's start() and then 
checking for config.formMailCharset.

Part 2:
To make the setting really work it is necessary to convert the charset from 
the form into the desired mail charset. The patch does this. Note that 
renderCharset is used because TYPO3 (see index_ts) does automatically 
convert the sent data (metaCharset) into the internal charset (renderCharset).


Set up a FORM or form content element and set config.formMailCharset to any 
desired charset.

-------------- next part --------------
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