[TYPO3-core] RFC: Trivial fix to stddb/tables.php

Karsten Dambekalns karsten at typo3.org
Wed Jun 28 09:10:31 CEST 2006


On Wednesday 28 June 2006 08:06, Martin Kutschker wrote:
> Karsten Dambekalns <karsten at typo3.org> writes on
> > > So it makes (in theory) a difference. Odd that Mysql reports a
> > > varchar(n) when we have a char(n) in the definition.
> >
> > It doesn't just report one. Read about "silent column specification
> > changes" in the MySQL documentation...
> I know about that. Does it really change chars and varchars? I'll hae to
> re-read.

Here you go :). This is the relevant part (taken from the 5.0.x manual, the 
manual for 3.23, 4.0 and 4.1 has ~ the same text):

* VARCHAR columns with a length less than four are changed to CHAR.

* If any column in a table has a variable length, the entire row becomes 
variable-length as a result. Therefore, if a table contains any 
variable-length columns (VARCHAR, TEXT, or BLOB), all CHAR columns longer 
than three characters are changed to VARCHAR columns. This does not affect 
how you use the columns in any way; in MySQL, VARCHAR is just a different way 
to store characters. MySQL performs this conversion because it saves space 
and makes table operations faster. See Chapter 14, Storage Engines and Table 

The second one is in effect here.

Karsten Dambekalns
TYPO3 Association - Active Member
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