[TYPO3-core] RFC: Fix bug #1153 again: Adding parameters is not always expected

Michael Stucki michael at typo3.org
Wed Jun 7 13:40:16 CEST 2006

Hi Martin,

this seems still pending...

>> Problem:
>> In bug #1153 I did add the parameters of the showpic.php script to the
>> alternative script if set by "JSwindow.altUrl". This works as expected,
>> but users have asked to prevent this behaviour because they construct the
>> parameters using a postUser function for example.
>> Solution:
>> We need a new property to prevent addition of the parameters.
> This patch reverts to the old bahaviour, but adds
> JSwindow.altUrlAppendDefParams.

This is still in contrary to my other suggestion (attached again).

Well, yes it seems I broke the compatbility with this change. Sorry for
that. However, is it worth to revert back to the old behaviour (changing
this once again) while it is anyway easier to use for everybody except
those who build the URL with this userFunc? I doubt if this is worth the

The name of your property reminds me of this quote (taken from your reply to
my original solution):

| >> "JSwindow.altUrl_dropParams"
| >
| > It's just a matter of style but could we either use caps or underscores?
| > I don't care. But using them both in one name is hurtung my eyes ;-) 

To me this makes clear that "dropParams" is just a subproperty of the
"altUrl" property. I like that separation.

config.stat_apache_* seems like a good example for this to me.

Anyway, it is widely used and we should not mix up different schemes. So
please lets stick to JSwindow.altUrl_appendDefParams
instead of           JSwindows.altUrlAppendDefParams

> Note that & is used to append the query. This means you have to add a ? to
> the URL yourself. OTOH you may now have a set of custom params additional
> to the the default set.

This should be automated. Just search for a question mark in $altUrl.

- michael
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