[TYPO3-core] removed border around "Expand All" checkbox in IE (new skin)

Karsten Dambekalns karsten at typo3.org
Thu Jun 1 11:58:33 CEST 2006


On Thursday 01 June 2006 10:57, Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] wrote:
> Here are some quotes from Thomas Murphy, the original skin developer, in
> So the problem I think is: Thomas is alone and hasn't had much time to
> work on it.

Ok, I understand that this can be *really* frustrating.

> My suggestion would be to put the extension in typo3xdev so that its in
> a public CVS where we can give some access to people that are interested
> in working with it. And then we just merge the latest stable release
> from there into the core from time to time (before some release).

Might confuse some people, plus we have two places with development history, 
one lacking a lot of intermediate changes. Hm... Anyway, he can write Andreas 
Otto an email and ask him to set up the stuff on typo3xdev anytime he 
wishes. :)

Another thing that Andreas can do is make the t3skin subtree of the core CVS 
writable for Thomas (and others), so that they can work on the skin 
independently. If this has been discussed before (as Thomas wrote), I cannot 
understand why it hasn't been done already - after all the skin is not a 
really critical component (IMHO), so there isn't a real risk of breaking "the 
core" associated with this.

If we need to vote on this, here is my:

> I think I could also contribute to some things here and we could try to
> motivate the content rendering group or other CSS wizards to contribute
> more on that matter. Or even tapio. :)

That would be awesome.

Karsten Dambekalns
TYPO3 Association - Active Member
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