[TYPO3-core] RFC: New EM in beta3?

Peter Niederlag peter at niederlag.de
Sat Jan 28 11:45:11 CET 2006


Karsten Dambekalns schrieb:
> Hi.
> Work on the new EM has not been finished, but still I wonder whether it makes 
> sense to add it to beta3.
> Pro:
> Let people have a look.
> Con:
> Works only with the new TER, which is only available as a test setup.
> Not finished yet, will change further, thus test results may be voided.
> I think it doesn't really make sense, we'd have to wait for the new EM being 
> online (which is expected during the week, according to Robert). Still I 
> wanted to bring up the subject, as changes to the EM appear in patches...

For beta3 it imho makes only sense if we could provide a way for people
to work with extensions as used to (install, download). Since that would
require a TER2, we need to wait to the time that is online for rolling
out EM for broad-testing. ;(

Of course I am very keen on having a look and start testing, maybe
helping solve issues or giving feedback, how about checkin right after
beta3 is packaged?

Thx and Cheers,
Peter Niederlag * Neuer Sandberg 9 * 31535 Neustadt *
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