[TYPO3-core] RFC: Add possibility to clear cache_imagesizes in the Install Tool

Ingmar Schlecht ingmar at typo3.org
Fri Jan 27 15:04:15 CET 2006

Michael Stucki wrote:
> Problem:
> In the Install Tool under the section "Database settings" you have the 
> possibility to clear the cache tables. However this does not list the 
> cache_imagesizes table.
> Solution:
> Add cache_imagesizes to that list.
> Additionally, I have wrapped all of these table entries with a <label> tag to 
> make selections easier.

Does that mean we can drop the install tool section "7: Clean up 
database"? You have added that section when you added the 
cache_imagesizes feature to the core about a year ago. It doesn't do 
anything except emptying cache_imagesizes at the moment.

Wouldn't it be better to move all table cleaning out of "Database 
settings" into "7: Clean up database"?


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