[TYPO3-core] CVS Patch request. Dmail boundaries

Michael Stucki michael at typo3.org
Wed Jan 25 14:28:03 CET 2006

Hi Jan-Erik,

> Description:
> In the process of updating direct mail, we have decided that direct mail
> categories should be located in a database table (sys_dmail_category).
> Since class.tslib_content.php is responsible for inserting direct mail
> boundaries in generated content, this needs to be updated.
> Attached is a patch that makes this update.
> Type: Feature required for new direct mail

Makes sense, but please give more care on the coding style.

- add an empty line before and after each function
- the phpdoc header of getTTcontentDmailCategories() misses a return key, plus
  the 2nd parameter is "param instead of @param.
- the parameters of the phpdoc header must contain tabs
- add a blank after control structures like if, while, etc.
- add a tab before the "{" on such lines (except for "class" and "else")
- lines 1317 and 1318 are indented wrong

Finally I think that the comment line about direct_mail 2.0 is not needed.

Sorry for being so accurate but we should try to keep the level as high as 

Regards, michael

PS: After all these changes related to direct_mail it is important that the 
next version depends on version 4.0 and vice versa.
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