[TYPO3-core] Patch: Fix Timezone date problems

Karsten Dambekalns karsten at typo3.org
Fri Jan 20 14:37:14 CET 2006


On Friday 20 January 2006 01:38, Bernhard Kraft wrote:
> Karsten Dambekalns wrote:
> > I clearly remember the discussion about adding some enahnced date
> > handling functions to deal with dates before 1970...
> When outputting negative timestampt no special care must be taken.

Fromthe PHP manual:

 Note:  The valid range of a timestamp is typically from Fri, 13 Dec 1901 
 20:45:54 GMT to Tue, 19 Jan 2038 03:14:07 GMT. (These are the dates that
 correspond to the minimum and maximum values for a 32-bit signed integer). 
 However, before PHP 5.1 this range was limited from 01-01-1970 to 19-01-2038 
 on some systems (e.g. Windows).

So if we just use date(), mktime() etc. this *may* fail. But anyway, this is 
good enough. If we needed dates after 2038, we'd still need to include 
something like ADOdb time library, but...

Now to the patch. This call intval() twice, why not add else?
 ---- snip ----
if ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['respectTimeZones'] && 
intval($value))   {
	$value = t3lib_div::timestamp_GMT2local(intval($value));
$value = intval($value);
 ---- snip ----

Since I didn't test it, no +1, but I like the idea.


PS: Your signature was bad...
Karsten Dambekalns
TYPO3 Association - Active Member
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