[TYPO3-core] RFC: Integration of cron_cssstyledimgtext into the core

Sebastian Kurfuerst sebastian at garbage-group.de
Thu Jan 19 22:36:07 CET 2006

Hi guys,
this is a patch request..

It is about the integration of CSS styled imgtext into the core.

It's mostly Ernesto's work,
+1 from me.

We (Ernesto, Michael and me) have discussed some issues with this patch
via private email, and as it is in german, I don't think attaching it
here makes too much sense, because of the non-german speakers.
No backwards compatibility is touched, all features are activated with
the compat_version.

Michael - when you have looked over the patch it would be just awesome
if you could patch it and put it into BETA2.

Just noticed it - VERY IMPORTANT: Michael, could you modify
sysext/css_styled_content/ext_localconf.php - there the note for the
update wizard is configured. Please add a new "<li>" where you say that
the rendering of images has changed, as cron_cssstyledimgtext has been
included in the core. Thanks a lot!

I'm tired now, I hope you are allright.

Thanks for all the energy you put into TYPO3, you are the best!
Greets, Sebastian

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