[TYPO3-core] Trivial patch for indexed_search

Michael Stucki michael at typo3.org
Wed Jan 18 11:52:49 CET 2006

Hi Dmitry,

>> Besides this, I wonder why you only want to change
>> class.tx_indexedsearch.php when index_ts.php has the same newline, too?!
> Because index_ts.php outputs the content, it is not an include file.
> Problem happens when output (this new line) starts before the actual
> content. With MSIE <DOCTYPE> must be the very first line of content. You
> can have a hundred new lines at the end of index_ts, it does not make
> any difference. Having that in include file does!

OK, I understand.

>> -1 because I think it does not help.
> Well, I can continue to run it locally since it is very helpful for at
> least one of my sites now. If this issue pops up for someone, remember
> this patch...

No, please make that change. I am aware of the problem now.

However: I am pretty sure that there are still newlines in a lot of files
which are included somewhere in TYPO3. Should they all be changed? Who will
do that?

Additionally, I think this should be added to the Coding Guidelines. Can you
please send a suggestion to Kasper?

Regards, michael
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