[TYPO3-core] Patch: simulateStaticDocuments and SEO

Dmitry Dulepov dima at spamcop.net
Tue Jan 17 22:02:53 CET 2006

This is a CVS patch request

Type: feature

Branch: TYPO3_4-0

Problem: Typo3 uses undescope character as separator to generate URLs if
simulateStaticDocuments is enabled. Google however recognizes hyphen as word
separator in URLs. Thus it cannot find keywords in URLs produced by Typo3

Solution: make this character configurable. A new option added
(config.simulateStaticDocuments_prefixChar) with default value of underscope. If
this value is set and it equals to its urlencode(), than it is used as prefix
separator character.

This patch also converts ereg_replace to preg_replace in the function
responsible for handling simulateStatic file names.

Q. Will it change existing URLs?
A. No, unless you explicitely specify this character and set it to something
else then underscope. No existing installations are affected by this patch.

Q. If I set this character to hyphen, will external references to my pages work?
A. Yes, they will. Typo3 does not care about prefix, it is ment for humans (and
search engines). ID part of the URL stays the same.

Q. How Google treats hyphen and underscope in the URL?
A. Hyphen separates keywords while underscope glues keywords and make an exact
sequence of them.

Q. Are you sure about all this? Who told you?
A. See yourself. Here:
and here:
(Googleguy is a Google employee who gives carefully selected information about
Google internals)

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