[TYPO3-core] RFC: Name of the default language

Michael Stucki michael at typo3.org
Wed Jan 11 09:52:22 CET 2006

Hi Dmitry,

> It makes sence to make a common property for the FE as well. Such
> property should be defined in the template. It cannot be system-wide
> because various parts of the tree can have various default languages.
> Thus I propose to add a set of new non-mandatory properties to the
> "config.language" entry:
> config.language {
> 	title = English
> 	isoCode = en
> 	flag = media/flags/flag_uk.gif
> }

This wil not work!
Please notice that currently the config.* array has only one depth! There is 
an email from me about this somewhere in the archive.

I will look about the rest of the mail later...

- michael
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