[TYPO3-core] Extensions selected by the dummy archive

Karsten Dambekalns karsten at typo3.org
Thu Jan 5 20:41:42 CET 2006


On Thursday 29 December 2005 17:26, Michael Stucki wrote:
> I think it is simply not selected because it doesn't work with MySQL 3.x
> and (I'm not sure) with any other DBMS. So if I remember correctly, the
> versioning stuff is only working with MySQL 4+ for now...(?)
> @Karsten: Right?

I don't really know - I switched to MySQL 4.x a long while ago, before the 
advent of versioning. But there is an issue with MySQL 3.23.x where some 
value overflows when doing versioning.

> I have this solution from Mathias Schreiber which should fix the problem,
> and to be honest, I don't know why it's not included in the core yet. Maybe
> Kasper or Karsten can explain on this...

I never tested that fix (despite an early promise), but IIRC Kasper just 
didn't want it, because he thinks his solution is just fine. This has been 
discussed (in -dev or -english) and should be in the archives:

After having read this again I decided to have a look the next days, so we 
might be able to settle this for 4.0. Wouldn't that be nice? If someone has 
hard number on the count of MySQL 3.23.x setups out there, please yell - 
might come in handy when having to talk kasper into accepting a change. :) 
(no offense, Kasper!).

Karsten Dambekalns
TYPO3 Association - Active Member

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