[TYPO3-core] RFC: version numbers

Michael Stucki michael at typo3.org
Tue Jan 3 19:14:11 CET 2006

Hi Robert,

> On Thursday 29 December 2005 17:29, Michael Stucki wrote:
>  > > Please make sure that the version number in the emconf is at least
>  > > the version in TER when you commit to CVS. What I did with
>  > > TemplaVoila was setting it (manually) to 0.5.0CVS. But don't add a
>  > > suffix like I did ("CVS"), "0.5.0" would have been better.
>  >
>  > Maybe this is again the reason why system extensions should not go into
>  > TER. If you still add it, you have to deal with the consequences on
>  > your own.
> Sorry, but I don't agree. Let's take the TYPO3 core as an example.
> Whenever we start working on the next version, we increase the version
> number in the CVS version to x.0.0dev. So what's wrong with doing the same
> with our system extensions?

We can increase that version number, but still it can lead to problems if
people fetch e.g. tstemplate which was made for TYPO3 4.0 but use it with
3.8. It will not work correctly because of a change I've made recently!

So instead of all that trouble, I prefer the easy solution to simply hide
those system extensions in TER.

To make it clear: I don't say you should remove _all_ system extensions from
TER. If Karsten for example wants to provide updated versions of DBAL, he
can still do that.

I just don't see the sense in publishing _all_ system extensions without
checking if they work. Plus, there is no need for people to get the 4.0
tstemplate in 3.8 because the feature is 4.0 specific!

tstemplate is just one example of which I'm sure that it leads to problems.
The same situation however applied to the indexed_search version of 3.8 in
3.7, and it likely will break again in 3.8 with the 4.0 version...

- michael
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