[TYPO3-core] IRRE Patch for beta3

Sebastian Kurfuerst sebastian at typo3.org
Fri Dec 22 17:49:41 CET 2006

Hi everybody,

this is a SVN patch request.

Branch: 4.1

Type: Bugfix of new feature (IRRE)

Thanks to Oliver Hader for his continuous work with IRRE!


    * rewrote the TBE_EDITOR Javascript functions to use JavaScript
      "objects" and outsourced the functions to an external file
          o changed all occurences in the core to these functions
          o backwards compatible references to these functions were
            added -> no changes in behavior for extensions
          o there are two variables: TBE_EDITOR_isChanged and
            TBE_EDITOR_loadTime which are not available anymore due to
            the rewrite
                + all references in the core to these variables were changed
                + there is no extension in TYPO3xdev using these
                  variables - so it should be quite safe to remove them
                  and add a !!! before the ChangeLog entry and add it to
                  the Release Notes
          o instead of dynamically creating JavaScript on the server in
            the t3lib_tceforms::jsBottom() function, only the data is
            sent to the browser as JSON string, so that's a really clean
    * change to getRecordTitle: if a title is too long, the shortened
      title (blahblah...) is now wrapped in a "span"-tag with a title
      attribute, so the full title is shown in a tooltip if the title is
      too long

There are some changes to ImpExp (attached as seperate patch), which
won't be committed right now, as these changes might affect normal
behavior, too. However, Oliver Hader welcomes any comments, that's why
the patch is attached here.

You need to apply the patch and add typo3/jsfunc.tbe_editor.js (file
attached) to your installation.

The patch has been reviewed by Ingmar and me in collaboration with
Oliver and tested by Thomas Oppelt.

I'd be happy to hear comments! If there are no comments, I will commit
this on the 25th as it has been reviewed by Ingmar and me.

PS: Merry christmas to all of you :-)

Gimme Five!

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