[TYPO3-core] RFC: alphabetically sorted TS tree in TS Object Browser

Ingmar Schlecht ingmar at typo3.org
Tue Dec 12 11:46:18 CET 2006

Forwarding message from Ingo Renner:

(I've tested the patch, +1)


This is a SVN patch request


When using the TS Object Browser to configure TYPO3 it is especially
time consuming in long lists like under plugin.tt_news to find a certain
property because the list is not ordered alphabetically.
Having the list of properties sorted alphabetically will increase
usability and reduce time spent looking for a certain property.


The attached patch sorts the tree / list alphabetically.
This also affects all other TS trees in TYPO3 which after searching
though the code where the changed method is called affects

* the User TS tree in the user admin module under tools
* page TS tree under web->info
* and of course the TS Object browser

Branches: trunk


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