[TYPO3-core] RFC: Adding "new" icon to table listing of Web>Page

Martin Kutschker Martin.Kutschker at n0spam-blackbox.net
Mon Dec 11 16:26:54 CET 2006

Franz Holzinger schrieb:
> Hello Martin,
>>Some users may prefer to stay in Web>Page for their daily tasks. Web>Page 
>>supports this by listing some table like News. Unfortunately you can only 
>>edit records, but not create new ones.
>>Add a "new" icon in the very first cell (in the titles row above the icon 
> This works.  +1
> There is also a link 'create a new record' on the bottom of the page.

But it is a) at the very bottom and b) is a general new-record. The patch 
makes a table specifc icon.

I think if a user sees edit icons in the list, she expects a new icon in 
the vicinity.


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