[TYPO3-core] 4.0.3 ready?

Peter Niederlag peter at niederlag.de
Mon Dec 11 12:52:28 CET 2006


Michael Stucki schrieb:
> Hi Andreas,
>> make sure to tag the release ;-)
> $ svn copy -m "Tagging TYPO3 4.0.3"
> https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/typo3/TYPO3core/branches/TYPO3_4-0/
> https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/typo3/TYPO3core/tags/TYPO3_4-0-3/
> svn: COPY of tags/TYPO3_4-0-3/: 403 Forbidden (https://svn.sourceforge.net)
> I don't understand why this does not work anymore. Anything else works like
> a charme...

If you haven't fond out yet, the URL is wrong....


should work (notice the subdomain 'typo3')

Frank Holzinger / Christian Welzel came up with this regarding typo3xdev:

Peter Niederlag * Neuer Sandberg 9 * 31535 Neustadt *
Fon (privat): 05036 / 924 100 * Fon (Büro): 05036 / 924 101
Fon (mobil): 0172 / 516 48 55 * Fax 05036 / 924 105
callto:typo3support (skype)
http://www.niekom.de * TYPO3 und EDV Dienstleistungen *
http://www.clown-goli.de * Clown-Comedy-Jonglage-Animation *

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