[TYPO3-core] RFC: #3961, exclude files from TER upload / T3X files

Karsten Dambekalns karsten at typo3.org
Mon Dec 11 12:08:48 CET 2006


On 11.12.2006, at 08:21, Peter Niederlag wrote:
> so '.svn' is out already. .bak could/should be added.

Right, SVN is gone. How common is .bak nowadays?

> How does this whole thing work in conjunction with the "update
> ext_emconf.php"(within "backup/delete")? Using this function
> 'ext_emconf.php' is updated with tstamp-information of *all* contained
> files. Will the exclude-list be used there as well? That would be kind
> of important since otherwise the detail view will complain about  
> missing
> files at least after directly using the T3X, maybe even after  
> upload to TER.

Since the patch is already older than my memory serves me, I am not  
certain. But I think it does handle this. This can easily be checked,  
though, so if someone has the time today... I'd be grateful.

Karsten Dambekalns
Gimme Five!

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