[TYPO3-core] RFC: EM patch to enable DB extension cache

Karsten Dambekalns karsten at typo3.org
Sun Dec 10 21:40:09 CET 2006


Branches: trunk

The attached diff against rev 1860 will go into SVN if no objections  
are raised on the core list within 24 hours, this is the process I  
agreed on with Ingmar. Reason for this is, that the patch this is  
based on was done by Bernhard, thus one +1 seems implicit.

See http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=2615 for loads of comments and  

The diff is based on the rev 1816 diff done by Bernhard and changes  
the following things:

* Added escapeStrForLike() call to extension search  
em_xmlhandler::searchExtensionsXML() so one can search for literal _%  
in ext keys
* Fixed arguments in em_xmlhandler::loadExtensionsXML() by adding  
another empty param before the "true"
* Added an ini_set('pcre.backtrack_limit', 500000) call to avoid  
running into the PCRE backtrack limit for extension with a large  
number of versions and/or long comments (one extension-block longer  
than the default 100000 byte, e.g. with "ext_tbl", 102 versions in TER)
* Changed the way the EOF is detected (no string length comparison  
* Removed nonsense 1==1 in if-clause in fetchExtension(),  
circumventing error checking (probably left there by accident)
* The XML parser is now always set to utf-8 for the extensions XML  
file, added preg modifier "u" to enable utf-8
* various minor cleanups

K. Dambekalns
fishfarm netsolutions - Karsten Dambekalns
Hamburger Straße 273 B - 38114 Braunschweig

Tel. +49 531 1232902  k.dambekalns at fishfarm.de
Fax. +49 531 1232906  http://www.fishfarm.de/

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