[TYPO3-core] RFC: Permanent login for FE Users
Ingmar Schlecht
ingmar at typo3.org
Mon Aug 28 14:51:46 CEST 2006
This is a SVN patch request.
New feature.
There is no way to give Frontend users the choice whether they want to
be logged in for their browser session only or remain logged in for a
longer time (aka "permanent login").
We need such an option for typo3.org (which will be used for single
signon with bugs.typo3.org).
Implement support for a new checkbox form field "permalogin" for the
user to decide whether to be logged in permanently or not.
This user choice needs to be saved in a new database field of the
fe_sessions table.
There's a new install tool option
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['FE']['permalogin'] with three possible values:
-1: Permanent login for FE users disabled.
0: By default permalogin is disabled for FE users but can be
enabled by a form control in the login form.
1: Permanent login is by default enabled but can be disabled by
a form control in the login form.
Trunk only
It would be great if you'd fine the time to review the patch tonight
already, because Sebastian and me would like to put it onto typo3.org as
soon as possible to have everything in place for the bugs.typo3.org
migration to single-signon on Wednesday.
- Ingmar
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