[TYPO3-core] Fixing no-brainers?

Michael Scharkow michael at underused.org
Mon Apr 10 14:01:18 CEST 2006

Ingmar Schlecht wrote:

> I'd propose to change this slightly, to:
>  - 3.8 (same as above)
>  - 4.0 (same as above)
>  - 4.5 (what's called HEAD (4.1) above)
>  - HEAD (5.0) (what's called 4.5 above)

Hm, that'd be lot's of commits to different branches for every patch.
I've no idea of how incompatible 4.0 really is to 3.8, so I wonder 
whether it would not be less work and just as good results if:

1. 3.8 is discontinued in favor of 4.x. Conservative users are 
encouraged to switch only when 4.0.1 or 4.1 is out.
2. The 4.x branch is continued with very conservative bug fixes for some 
years. This is our stable branch until 5.0 is out and even maintained 
after that

3. All the new stuff goes into head. We release snapshots every three 
months or so in order to get early feedback on the big changes.


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