[TYPO3-core] Changelog question

Michael Stucki michael at typo3.org
Sat Sep 3 01:35:03 CEST 2005

Done. I've decided to name it "NEWS.txt" which seems to be very much in line
with the existing files.

I will always have a look at the changelog to see if there's something to be
mentioned in NEWS.txt, but feel free to help me with this.

- michael

Michael Stucki wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have been contacted by Thomas Esders who is in charge of writing a
> changelog for the press releases of upcoming releases.
> He asks if we can point out the interesting changes so that he doesn't
> have to search through all changes next time.
> This is ok to me. I just wonder how this should be handled:
> - mark entry lines in the changelog with a specific tag
> - or have a separate file (for example in misc/changes.txt) where we can
>   explain the changes more detailed (see [1])
> I prefer to create a fresh changes.txt because this gives us some space to
> advertise the feature a little bit more than in the changelog (make it
> PR-ready).
> OK for you?
> Do you think this should be removed from the release archives? (CVS-only)
> Regards, michael
> PS: Masi, I think the Opera-fix is a first change that should be mentioned
> in that file...
> [1] http://typo3.org/development/articles/release-notes-380/

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