[TYPO3-core] RFC: Flexform "field path" patch

Bernhard Kraft kraftb at kraftb.at
Sun Oct 2 14:29:57 CEST 2005


This is a CVS patch request.

Type: Bugfix

If you use an <itemsProcFunc> for generating the elements of an 
<type>select</type> field and those items shall depend on the value of 
another field in the flexform then you get the problem that the 
<itemsProcFunc> doesn't know which flexform-field it renders actually. 
Of course you have the name of the field - but if you use a flexform 
with sections (variable number of sub-elements/containers) then you 
can't know in which section you are actually.

I made two patches to correct this. The first one is simpler but you 
will have to parse the passed "formPrefix" string in your itemsProcFunc 
to find out the path of the field in the flexform.

The second one keeps track of the actual path in the flexform as an 
array and uses this as argument to the itemsProcFunc.


01_flexField_path_patch.diff : The one collecting the path as string 
(uses existing variable)
02_flexField_path_patch.diff : Collects the path as an array

Which one is the better would need to get decided. I'm in favour of 02_ 
because ONLY the path of the element through the flexform i.e:
     [0] => data
     [1] => criteria
     [2] => lDEF
     [3] => field_criteria_container
     [4] => el
     [5] => 2
     [6] => field_criteria
     [7] => el
     [8] => field_field
     [9] => vDEF

note "[5] => 2" ... this is the second container in the section 
field_criteria_container (should get named _section)

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