[TYPO3-core] RFC: T3-speedup preg insted of ereg

Michael Stucki michael at typo3.org
Wed Dec 28 01:14:37 CET 2005

Hi Bernhard,

> Attached is the patch of t3lib_parsehtml with all changes for NEWS.txt and
> Changelog.

Great work! Thank you.

@kasper: I've saved copy of the patch so it can be easily reverted in case
that problems will appear (which I don't expect though...).

> It is taken care that problems with t3lib_parsehtml get reported in the
> bugtracker at the appropriate location and I'm monitoring this issue. I
> will be in front of my box everyday checking for possible problems with
> t3lib_parsehtml.

I will make sure there will be a note about this in the Beta announcement:

=== cut ===
An important change was made in the class t3lib_parsehtml. It speeds up the
page rendering by optimizing the parsing of a template structure. The
change was widely tested but IF you notice any problems with changed
website output, then it might be caused by this change. In this case,
please add a notice to the bug 1685: http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=1685
=== cut ===

> Stucki gave me his ok and I will apply it now.

Yes, and for the rest of us, for information: I discussed this with Kasper
and although he is sceptical, he allowed us to make this change.

The deal is that if any problems will arise, the change will be reverted
before 4.0.

- michael
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