[TYPO3-core] OT Re: FYI: Committed fix in t3lib_beFunc::getRecordWSOL

Dmitry Dulepov dima at spamcop.net
Mon Dec 19 08:20:20 CET 2005


Martin Kutschker wrote:
> Dmitry Dulepov <dima at spamcop.net> writes on 
> Sun, 18 Dec 2005 17:09:36 +0100 (MET):
>>Strange... PHP is C-like, strange that they decided to change it.
>>Curly brackets are traditionally used to open/close blocks of code but
>>square backets naturaly access individual elements. One of those bad
>>changes in life...
> I don't think it's that bad. Square brackets denote traditionally *array* elements. C sees a string as an array of characters. Basically because it's the way it's implemented in the "hardware". That's not really the case in PHP.

Why strings are not array of chars in PHP?

> IMHO it makes sense to use a differnet kind of operator to access characters of a string than to access array elements, if those two things are distinct.

Yes but why curly bracket? They already serve their purpose: to open and
close code blocks.

A bit offtopic but interesting. I think this decision spoiled language a


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