[TYPO3-core] RFC: Change "deprecated" => "depreciated"

Michael Stucki michael at typo3.org
Sun Dec 18 21:23:57 CET 2005

Martin Kutschker wrote:

>> Solution:
>> We already discussed if the templates should be removed or not and
>> decided
>> to wait with the change. However it is of course right that
>> "depreciated" is wrong and should be corrected all over the place.
> If it is an itch, scratch it, I don't care.

Some people do :-)

> But if we really care for correct spelling etc we should hire a
> professional writer. Without accusing anybody, I'm no writer and no
> nativer speaker myself, but the English of the documentation can be
> improved in spelling, grammar, style and readability. So why bother about
> "depreciated" which is actually in the Oxford English Dicionary?

That has nothing to do with a syntax word which is spelled wrong. Just think
of a developer who wants to look for all deprecated functions. How would he
find the wrongly spelled?

The change is now in CVS.

- michael
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