[TYPO3-core] 0001822: There is no API to list tables in the Web->Page module

Holzinger Franz franz at fholzinger.com
Mon Dec 5 14:48:34 CET 2005


I have implemented a new feature for the page module:

See http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=1822

This works already fine with tt_products 2.3.11, where I have configured 
it with:

$typoVersion = t3lib_div::int_from_ver($GLOBALS['TYPO_VERSION']);

if ($typoVersion >= 3009000 && 
        array ('default' => array(
                    'MENU' => 'LLL:EXT:tt_products/locallang.php:m_default',
                    'fList' =>  'title,itemnumber,price,image',
                    // 'fList' =>  
                    'icon' => TRUE),
                'ext' => array (
                    'MENU' => 'LLL:EXT:tt_products/locallang.php:m_ext',
                    'fList' =>  'title,price2,category;inStock;weight;tax',
                    'icon' => TRUE),
                'variants' => array (
                    'MENU' => 
                    'fList' =>  'title,color;size;gradings',
                    'icon' => TRUE)
        array ('default' => array(
                    'MENU' => 'LLL:EXT:tt_products/locallang.php:m_default',
                    'fList' =>  'title,itemnumber,price,inStock',
                    'icon' => TRUE),
                'ext' => array (
                    'MENU' => 'LLL:EXT:tt_products/locallang.php:m_ext',
                    'fList' =>  'title;price2,color;size;gradings',
                    'icon' => TRUE)
        array ('default' => array(
                    'MENU' => 'LLL:EXT:tt_products/locallang.php:m_default',
                    'fList' =>  'title,image',
                    'icon' => TRUE));

$LOCAL_LANG = Array (
    'default' => Array (
        'plugins_title' => 'Shop System',
        'plugins_description' => 'Add a shopping system plugin to the 
page. This is a part of the built-in shop and requires the page to 
contain product elements in the database.',
        'm_default' => 'default',
        'm_ext' => 'extended',
        'm_variants' => 'variants',

In the attachment are the differences I have made.
Comments are welcome.



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