[TYPO3-v4] How to insert YouTube video in 4.7?

Steffen Ritter steffen.ritter at typo3.org
Tue Jan 24 09:23:27 CET 2012

Am 23.01.2012 21:36, schrieb Ernesto Baschny [cron IT]:
> Stanislas Rolland schrieb am 23.01.2012 19:46:
>> Regarding backward comptibility, the video/audio files specified in
>> earlier versions should be rendered as fallback files. However, I think
>> that in the development process, the fact that flowplayer does not
>> support YouTube and other popular video sources was overlooked while,
>> obviouly, these sources will not be rendered in HTML5. Perhaps the media
>> element should be rendered the way it was before when the video/audio
>> source is specified as an url that does not lead to a media file.
> That sounds like a good compromise.
> What was called "Path or URL" in the flexform in 4.5 and 4.6 is now
> called "Path or URL to fallback video source (Flash or QuickTime)". Both
> stored in the same FF field (at least it won't be dropped during the
> upgrade): sDEF.lDEF.mmFile.
> The previous idea (4.5 - 4.6) was that the editor could enter "anything"
> in this field (be it an URL he copied from Youtube or a reference to a
> local file), the "media wizard" would find the correct code for it.
> I am not 100% satisfied with how it works in 4.5 (it should do more
> "magic" like not trying to use the flowplayer if the URL is supported by
> some media wizard provider - e.g. Youtube), but this is yet another topic.
> Some rought idea on how to solve it:
> Rephrase "Path or URL to fallback video source (Flash or QuickTime)"
> into: "Path or URL (fallback video source or original video URL)" and
> have the "media wizard provider" be called to check if this URL can be
> handled before doing the "new stuff":
> $mediaWizard = tslib_mediaWizardManager::getValidMediaWizardProvider($url);
> if ($mediaWizard !== NULL&&  $mediaWizard->canHandle($url)) {
>      // then do the old-style MEDIA rendering...
> }
> It's a bit a shame that the new implementation hasn't really looked on
> how the current methods work in order to consider it from start. :(
> Cheers,
> Ernesto
Hi Ernesto,
the FAL project even extended that further more... So if you start now 
changing this one before FAL stuff is merged - it will get worse, 
because then nothing from FAL applies.

During that, I added Display Conditions so that the video stuff is only 
shown if you select type video, same for audio.

Furthermore I was thinking about creating tabs.

Flowplayer plays f4v and flv - from remote hosts, too. Therefore the 
question remains why it should not play youtube files - as they are flv.

Anyhow I see the "problems" which may be there. We will have at that, 
within the FAL project (especially me as I rewrote the MEDIA object to 
work with FAL and old-style) but ask you to currently stay calm or base 
your considerations upon the FAL branch.

kind regards


Steffen Ritter
Release Manager TYPO3 4.7

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