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Wed Jan 11 00:18:28 CET 2012


Am 11.01.2012 16:47, schrieb Oliver Hader:
> Dear TYPO3 enthusiasts,
> currently we all are busy in the development phase of the next version
> TYPO3 4.7. There shall be one additional alpha3 release and in three
> weeks the first beta version with the regular feature freeze. The
> current state and the next steps for TYPO3 4.7 have been discussed in
> the Release Team Meeting last Monday. So, this mail aims to share the
> thoughts and issues with you.
> The current state in our main development branch (master) comes with
> ExtJS version 4, as foundation for further development of the Media
> Management Module (the next generation of DAM) and the "Vidi" (versatile
> and interactive display, a new generic list component) - both were part
> of the "BLE project" [1] and are currently actively used for the new
> File Abstraction Layer.
> We had ExtJS version 3 in the core already for some years now and
> components like the Recycler, Workspaces Module or the Form Wizard rely
> on that. However, ExtJS4 is a "bit different" to ExtJS3 and thus needs
> further non-trivial changes to the whole JavaScript code - Sencha, the
> ExtJS distributor provided a very basic guide for that migration [2],
> but rather than a straight migration, in some aspects it's more like a
> rewrite. With all the custom ExtJS based components in TYPO3, that was
> and to some degree still is a very tough job.
> In addition, Sencha - the product owner of ExtJS - seems to have stopped
> working on ExtJS 4.0 due to some major problems and concentrated on
> version 4.1 which would need further adaptions - even to already
> migrated parts [3].
> However... most of the ExtJS 3 components in the TYPO3 Core have not
> been forward ported to ExtJS4 yet, since it really takes some time and
> also requires a good understanding of the the whole application to be
> modified (e.g. knowing what the Workspaces Module or Form Wizard are
> really doing in the ExtJS part). For the time being, an intermediate
> compatibility layer has been added in the TYPO3 Core which allows "old"
> ExtJS 3 applications to be executed in a framed environment. It turned
> out that this is not really a long-term solution and besides that,
> external extensions using ExtJS 3 would require additional changes to
> use that compatibility layer. Further investigations of a sandboxed
> ExtJS 4 or using it side-by-side in IFRAMEs, turned out to problematic
> as well, when it comes to the details of integrating it in the backend.
> These are the facts for the time being. In essence, we have a rather
> unstable TYPO3 4.7-alpha concerning ExtJS components and a rather
> pessimistic perspective to get all of them stable until feature freeze
> in the next three weeks.
> That means, that we have these possibilities:
> a) postpone the final 4.7 release a lot and hope things will get better
>    - forward port all components to ExtJS 4
>    - introduce a great backward compatibility layer for
>      ExtJS 3 extensions
>    - create documentation on how to use ExtJS 3 and ExtJS 4
>      side by side
> b) revert the ExtJS 4 changes in the Git master branch of the TYPO3 Core
>    - get back a stable TYPO3 4.7 with working Workspaces,
>      Form Wizard and Recycler
>    - accept the "collateral" fact that the work on ExtJS 4
>      migration is lost, which means to disappoint developers
>      who invested a lot of time in what already has been achvieved
>    - find (better) alternatives for the mentioned "media" and
>      "vidi" components
>    - find alternatives to ExtJS in general in the long-term view -
>      however, ExtJS is good for widgets, but not as a one-fits-all
>      JavaScript solution
> It's really understandable that it must be frustrating for somebody
> having put a lot work into the ExtJS4 migration by reading these lines
> above. However, the end of these tasks cannot be predicted and as
> always: time and resources are limited.
> So, our suggestion is to revert the ExtJS 4 parts and continue with a
> clean TYPO3 4.7. However, if somebody out there has a good alternative
> on how to proceed with ExtJS 4, please share your thoughts and ideas. If
> there are no major objections and no solution that really saves us, we
> will proceed very soon with reverting back to ExtJS 3.
> Thanks for your understanding and for your passion in TYPO3!
> Cheers,
> Olly - on behalf of the TYPO3 4.7 Release Team
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]

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