[TYPO3-v4] Minutes of the 6th meeting of the 4.7 Release Team

Steffen Ritter info at steffen-ritter.net
Tue Jan 3 13:44:30 CET 2012

Hi dear TYPO3 community,

These are the minutes of the 6th TYPO3 Release Team Meeting for version 4.7.

The minutes are also available in the wiki of TYPO3 4.7:

Minutes from the 6th meeting

The 4.7 release team meets weekly for a Skype discussion round on the 
current activities. If you find this report interesting or have some 
comment or question about a particular topic, don't hesitate to 
follow-up on the thread in the v4 mailing list.

On Monday, January 2nd 2012 we hold our 6th meeting with the following 

* Steffen Ritter (4.7 Release Manager)
* Benjamin Mack (4.4 Release Manager)
* Oliver Hader (Core Team Leader)
* Ben van't Ende (Community Manager)

TYPO3 4.7

In our agenda this week had been mainly 3 point to be discussed.


Since the holidays there seems to be not much action around. In 
addition, since Alpha 2 there had been no really development.
Releasing the Alpha 3 on 10th January 2012 - as planned - would not make 
much sense since it would be the same actual package as Alpha 2.

Therefore we decided to post-pone the Release of Alpha 3 one week to 
January 17th.

Due to Organisation issues the Workspaces Team CodeSprint has been 
canceled, which affects the ExtJS 4 Migration and FAL Workspace 
Integration, too.

State of FAL Development
We shortly discussed the state of the current FAL development. A group 
of developers currently actively is working on it and will be meeting at 
Benni Mack's this week.

There are some fixes within the FAL-Repository not related to FAL at all 
wich should be submitted to Core before, to make the FAL changes more slim.

Furthermore there are some components which will not be delivered as 
part of the TYPO3 Core which are the Amazon S3 Driver, a WebDAV Driver 
as well as the media-Extension with several MetaData Indexing Services.

A team of interested people has to befound for maintaining them in future.

State of ExtJS 4 Migration
On Side of the ExtJS 4 Migratio Nothing more happened. Olly will try to 
find ExtJS 4 experts which will work on a payed bases on migrating the 
outstanding Tasks.
Benni and Steffen have been working on the Skinning issues introduced by 
the Migration.

Automating compile task
With the ExtJS 4 Migration another "auto-generated" piece of core has 
been integrated: The T3Skin for ExtJS (SASS compiled).

Some versions ago the Sprite System has been integrated. Sprites, CSS 
and Ext-Tables Configuration for the Sprite System are auto-generated to.

Currently developers have to manually regenerate the stuff upon changes 
and push them to... On conflicts it's nearly impossible to manually fix 
the conflicted state of these auto-generated stuff.

Therefore we discussed Gerrit/Jenkins based triggers, automating these 
task on merge and on check out of changes.
Olly will locally investigate the Tasks and Create script, aiming to 
ease up the life of Developers.



If you have any further questions according to the development of TYPO3 
4.7, feel free to contact me or just leave your comment within this thread.


Steffen Ritter
Release Manager TYPO3 4.7

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